
Comments of IACFO(International Association for Consumer Food Organizations)

Proposed Draft Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology
バイオテクノロジー応用食品のリスクアナリシスに関する原則案の検討 ステップ7 (ステップ6におけるコメント)


Paragraph 21. [Risk management may include traceability.]

IACFO suggest the removal of square brackets. We believe that the system of traceability would play an important role in the risk management.


IACFOは[ ]をはずすことを提案する。追跡システムはリスク管理において重要な役割を持つと考える。

Paragraph 23. Risk communication should include transparent safety assessment and risk management decision-making processes. These processes ...

Add "risk" before "management" for consistency.

パラグラフ23. リスクコミュニケーションにおいては、安全性評価とリスク管理の意思決定過程に透明性がなければならない。



Paragraph 25. A consistent approach should be adopted to characterize and manage safety and nutritional risks associated with foods derived from modern biotechnology. The acceptable level of risk for these foods should be consistent with that for similar conventional foods already on the market.

We suggest the insertion of "conventional" between "similar" and "foods". The Section 1 - Introduction, paragraph 1 states, "For many foods, the level of food safety generally accepted by the society reflects the history of their safe consumption by humans. It is recognized that in many cases the knowledge required to manage the risks associated with foods has been acquired in the course of their long history of use." Foods derived from modern biotechnology are no exception. To assure higher level of safety, the acceptable level of risk should be consistent with that for foods with long history of use and the safe consumption. Therefore, the acceptable risk of foods derived from modern biotechnology should be consistent with that for similar conventional foods already on the market.



Proposed Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants
組換えDNA植物由来食品の安全性評価の実施に関するガイドライン案の検討 ステップ7 (ステップ6におけるコメント)


Paragraph 30. Information should be provided on the DNA insertions into the plant genome; this should include:
C) the organization of the inserted genetic material at each insertion site including copy number and sequence data of the inserted material and, where appropriate, of surrounding region or of the whole genome; and

We suggest to add "or of the whole genome" after "of surrounding region". The possibility of some changes occurring in non-surrounding regions cannot be discounted. These changes could cause an impact on the composition and safety of foods derived from recombinant-DNA plants. So where appropriate, sequence data of the whole genome should be provided and analyzed for a better characterization of the genetic modification(s) and to determine whether each insertion site has not caused any adverse changes.

パラグラフ30 植物ゲノムに挿入されたDNAに関する情報が提示されなければならない。それらは


Paragraph 33. In vitro nucleic acid techniques enable the introduction of DNA which can result in the synthesis of new substances in plants. These can be conventional components of plant foods such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins which are novel in context of that recombinant -DNA plant. Conventional toxicology studies are not considered necessary where the substance or a closely related substance has been consumed safely in food, taking into account its exposure, for the reasons described in Section 3.

We suggest the deletion of words "or a closely related substance". "The substance" itself and "a closely related substance" is already different. So the conventional toxicology studies should be considered necessary if "the substance" itself has not been consumed safely in foods.

パラグラフ33. 試験管内核酸技術 は、植物に新しい物質を合成するDNAを挿入することのできる技術である。これらの新しい物質は、従来の植物由来の食品に存在する物質、たとえばタンパク、脂肪、炭水化物、ビタミンなどで、遺伝子組換え植物には新しい物質ともなりえる。従来の毒性研究が必要ないと判断されるのは、その物質、またはその物質に近似する物質が、これまで安全に消費され、その摂取量も考慮し、セクション3で述べられた理由のとおり、の場合である。


Paragraph 54 53. Gene transfer from plants and their food products to gut microorganisms or human cells is considered a rare possibility because of the many complex and unlikely events that would need to occur consecutively. Nevertheless, the possibility of such events cannot be completely discounted.

Paragraph 53 54. Alternative transformation technologies that do not result in antibiotic resistance marker genes in foods and that are demonstrated to be safe should be used in the future development of recombinant-DNA plants, where such technologies are available and demonstrated to be safe.

Paragraph 55 and 56

We suggest the deletion of "Alternative", "future", and "where such technologies are available and demonstrated to be safe" in paragraph 53 and add "and that are demonstrated to be safe" after "foods". Also, insert paragraph 54 before paragraph 53 and withdraw paragraph 55 and 56.

Intake of antibiotics as medicines has lead to the increase of antibiotic resistance. Since the possibility of gene transfer from plants and their food products to gut microorganisms or human cells cannot be discounted, the transformation technologies that result in antibiotic resistance marker genes should not be used, in order to prevent the plants or their food products from becoming sources of the increase of antibiotic resistance.

パラグラフ54 53. 植物や食物から腸内細菌や人の細胞への遺伝子移動は、多くの複雑かつ、起こりえないことが連続的に起きなければありえない。しかしながら、遺伝子移動の可能性は完全に否定することはできない。

.パラグラフ53 54.  抗生物質耐性マーカー遺伝子が食品中に残らない安全な代替技術が現存し、これが安全である場合には、将来的には遺伝子組換え植物の発展には使用されるべきである。




"Proposed Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Produced Using Recombinant-DNA Microorganisms"
食品中の組換えDNA微生物の安全性評価の実施に関するガイドライン案の検討 ステップ4( ステップ3におけるコメント)


Paragraph 22. Experiments intended to develop data for safety assessments should be designed and conducted in ... request. Data should be obtained using sound scientific methods and analyzed using appropriate statistical techniques, when applicable. The sensitivity of all analytical methods should be documented.

Delete "when applicable" for consistency with paragraph 19 of "Proposed Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants."

パラグラフ22. 安全性評価のためのデータを得る目的の実験は…要求によって…計画、実行されるべきである。このデータは、適切である場合、確かな科学的方法によって集め、適切な統計学的手法によって分析されるべきである。すべての分析方法の感度が、記述されなければならない。


Paragraph 23. The goal of each safety assessment is to provide assurance, in the light of the best available scientific knowledge, that the food will not cause harm when prepared or consumed, used and/or eaten according to its intended use, nor should the organism itself cause harm when viable organisms remain in the food. Safety assessments....

Rewrite "or consumed" with "used and/or eaten" for consistency with paragraph 20 of "Proposed Draft Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Recombinant-DNA Plants."

パラグラフ23. それぞれの安全性評価のゴールは、現存する最高の科学的知識に照らし合わせて、その使用意図に応じてその食品が準備、使用、摂取された際に消費された際に害をもたらさないよう、あるいは、微生物の場合は食品に生きてのこっているものが害を引き起こさないように、保証を与えることである。安全性評価は、、、、



Paragraph 36. In vitro nucleic acid techniques enable the introduction of new DNA to cells or enable precise changes to DNA in cells, which can result in the synthesis of.... Conventional toxicology studies are not considered necessary where the substance or a closely related substance has been consumed safely in food or used in food processing, taking into account its function and exposure. Effects....

Delete "or a closely related substance." We suggest the deletion of words "or a closely related substance". "The substance" itself and "a closely related substance" is already different. We believe that all new substances should go through toxicological studies to assure safety and whether or not there are needs for toxicological studies should not be determined on a case-by-case basis.

パラグラフ36 試験管内核酸技術 は、細胞に新しいDNAを挿入したり、細胞のDNAに新しい物質を合成する、または合成できる微生物にすることができる技術である。・・・・従来の毒性研究が必要ないと判断されるのは、その物質、またはその物質に近似する物質が、安全に消費されたり、食品加工に使用されており、その機能と摂取量を考慮の上である。


Antibiotic Resistance and Gene Transfer

IACFO supports the Working Group's conclusion that, where antibiotic resistance genes are used, they should not be present in the recombinant-DNA microorganism.

