Japan Offspring Fund(JOF) is a consumer group and environmental NGO established in 1984. We have researched issues involving the safety of daily life, including chemical residues, endocrine disruptors, and genetically engineered food.

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for 4500 members monthly
Postharvest pesticides etc..
Dioxins, Endocrine Disruptors etc..
Endocrine Disruptors
Genetically Engineered/Modified Food
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Food Irradiation, Antibiotics, BSE, Containers, and Other Food Safety Issues
Post-harvest Pesticides, Organic Agriculture
Housing Environment, Electromagnetic Fields
International Project

Endocrine Disruptors


About Endocrine Disruptor Campaign in Asia

Japan Offspring Fund received funds for international endocrien disruptor campaing from the international endocrine disruptor campaign form the Japan Fund for Global Environment. Japan Offspring Fund, Consumers' Association of Penang, Citizens' Alliance for Consumer Protection Philippines, Citizens' Alliance for Consumer Protection Korea have developed the campaign to educate consumers about the danger of endocrine disruptors.



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