Japan Offspring Fund(JOF) is a consumer group and environmental NGO established in 1984. We have researched issues involving the safety of daily life, including chemical residues, endocrine disruptors, and genetically engineered food.

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for 4500 members monthly
Postharvest pesticides etc..
Dioxins, Endocrine Disruptors etc..
Endocrine Disruptors
Genetically Engineered/Modified Food
Codex Alimentarius Commission
Food Irradiation, Antibiotics, BSE, Containers, and Other Food Safety Issues
Post-harvest Pesticides, Organic Agriculture
Housing Environment, Electromagnetic Fields
International Project

About Us

Introduction and Major Campaign Areas of Japan Offspring Fund

Japan Offspring Fund was established in 1984 as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). JOF activities include testing the safety of food and campaigning about safety issues regarding "living", a broad concept based on the Japanese word "kurashi".

The Japanese name, "Shokuhin to Kurashi no Anzen Kikin" literally means "Fund for Safe Food and Living". Financial support for activities comes from members fees (including a subscription to the monthly magazine "Safety of Our Food and Life") as well as from sales of other publications. Starting in 2004, we are also publishing "Anzen Style" to promote safe and healthy products around Japan.

Major Campaign Areas:
Food Additives
Post Harvest Pesticides
International Food Standards (Codex)
Genetically Manipulated Organisms and GM Foods
Electromagnetic Waves
Nuclear Energy
Air/Water/Soil Contamination
Antibiotic Resistance
Hormone Disrupting Substances

International Activities:

Since 1999, Japan Offspring Fund has participated at the international level at FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius conferences regarding food safety standards. We have represented consumers also at other international meetings, including the World Trade Organization, OECD and UNEP/CBD. Reporting from such meetings in the monthly magazine is one way to empowering consumers and increasing awareness about the effects of globalization. JOF's international food work is done as a member of IACFO, in cooperation with Center for Science in the Public Interest and The Food Commission. Other work, for example on PCB pollution, has been done together with consumer and environmental organizations in Korea, China, Malaysia, and other Asian countries.


					  Hormone-disrupting chemicals emitted from plastic nursing
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Post-harvest agricultural chemicals detected in apples imported from USA

Insect dying from eating a genetically manipulated potato leaf
(Photo: Japan Offspring Fund)


Japan Offspring Fund
2F 2-5-2, Kojimachi, Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan, 102-0083
Email: mail@tabemono.info
Homepage: http://tabemono.info/english/index.html

Copyright(C) 2004 Japan Offspring Fund, All Rights Reserved.
Tel:048-851-1212 Fax:048-851-1214 Mail:
Please give me the subject name in Japanese.